Group discounts | HILT black light theatre Prague

To book a group of 10 people or more for HILT BLACK LIGHT THEATRE, simply send an email to and include the date you're interested in and the size of your group. Even if we have limited capacity (only 50 places), we can accommodate larger groups by adding additional shows at alternative times. For example, a group of 100 people could attend a show at 19:30 and another at 20:45. The show itself is 60 minutes long, so be sure to plan accordingly.

Jste skupina 10 lidí a více? Máme pro Vás připraveny zajímavé slevy. Pokud je Vaše skupina 10 osob a více, lze zajistit představení v jiný den, než dle běžného programu. Náš divadelní sál má kapacitu 50 osob a větší skupiny lze rozdělit do více představení. Pro bližší informace nás kontaktujte na našem emailu . Are you a group of 10 people or more? We have interesting discounts for you. If your group is 10 people or more, we can make the show on a different day than the regular schedule. Our theater hall has a capacity of 50 people and bigger groups we can split into more shows. For more information, please contact us at .

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