Magic Phantom - black light theatre show | HILT black light theatre Prague

That sounds fascinating! It's interesting to note that the Phantom of the Black Light Theatre doesn't draw inspiration from the classic Phantom of the Opera, but instead uses the mask as a symbol to connect 12 different scenes in its modern black light theatre show. This unique approach allows for a fresh and innovative storytelling experience, blending technology and theatricality to create a captivating performance. You'd love to learn more about the show and how the mask plays a role in connecting the different scenes!

Phantom - black light theatre show

Black light theatre HILT Prague


Experience an extraordinary theatrical show in Prague at the HILT Theatre, and watch the “Phantom” come to life in dance and pantomime. See the best scenes of black light theater by the Hilt company, and watch contemporary stage effects.

What to Expect

Watch a performance by Hilt, the black light theater group of Prague, and see the only independent theater group of the “Black Theater” genre working in the Czech Republic. The group works to bring modern influences to the traditional stage, and after years of traveling, their historical repertoire has landed at the Theatre Royal Prague.

Watch in awe as the mysterious masked "Phantom" takes to the stage. He first charmed audiences in a 1916 horror film, followed by various stage and film versions. Characterized by the use of black light illusions, black theater originates from Asia, but has become a specialty in Prague.

Using elements of modern dance and pantomime, black light theater uses black curtains, a darkened stage and black (UV) lighting, paired with fluorescent costumes to create intricate illusions. See floating figures and the magic of colors in an infinite space of absolute darkness.

The show’s author, Theodor Hoidekr, has directed several shows of black light theater and worked with the greatest Bollywood film star, Abhishek Bachchan.

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