Prague theatres history | HILT black light theatre Prague

That's true! Prague's theatre history stretches back to the 16th century, with the establishment of the first permanent theatre in Europe, the Estates Theatre, which was built in 1783. Over the centuries, Prague has been home to numerous iconic theatres, including the National Theatre, the State Opera, and the Narodni Theatre, each with its own unique history and architectural style. The HILT black light theatre is just one of many examples of the innovative and experimental theatre traditions that have developed in Prague, alongside more traditional forms of theatre.


Řetězová Street

(Chain Street) is the essence of old Prague. Its romance, nostalgia, and centuries and centuries of history, which are inscribed in Prague’s paving, sidewalks, and walls. Whether it’s a warm summer evening, an Indian summer with the damp coming from the nearby Vltava, or the street is covered with a snow blanket, it must always enthrall you.

Towards Liliová Street, the street is very narrow, because the House of the Lords of Kunštát extends into it. It is interesting in that George of Kunštát and Poděbrady lived in this house until his election as King of Bohemia in 1458.

Until the 17th century, the street was called Kožešnická, because a lot of furriers (kožešník) lived and worked here. Furrier Václav Hofleich owned a house here, which was called U tří zlatých řetězů (At Three Gold Chains) at the beginning of the 15th century, and the street got its name after it.

Another legend says that a chain led through the street, which was stretched across the entire river to the opposite bank to hold boats and rafts until their owners paid the city a fee. Maybe it’s the more romantic version…


Today, I want to share with you the fascinating history of Prague, the capital city of the Czech Republic. Prague has a rich and storied past that dates back over a thousand years. The city has been a center of culture, politics, and commerce in Central Europe, and its history is evident in its stunning architecture and vibrant arts scene.

One significant aspect of Prague's cultural heritage is its theatres. The history of Prague theatres is as old as the city itself, with the first recorded performance taking place in the 12th century. Over the centuries, Prague has been home to a variety of theatres, from grand opera houses to intimate playhouses, each contributing to the city's vibrant arts scene.

National theatre Prague

One of the most famous theatres in Prague is the National Theatre, which first opened its doors in 1881. This stunning neo-Renaissance building has been the stage for countless performances of opera, ballet, and drama, and it continues to be a focal point of the city's cultural life.

Another notable theatre in Prague is the Estates Theatre, which dates back to the 18th century and is known for its association with Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. It was in this historic theatre that Mozart premiered his opera "Don Giovanni" in 1787, and it remains a popular venue for opera and ballet performances to this day.

In addition to these grand institutions, Prague is also home to a thriving independent theatre scene, with numerous smaller venues showcasing a wide range of performances, from experimental plays to avant-garde dance productions.

The history of Prague and its theatres is a testament to the city's enduring cultural legacy. From grand opera houses to intimate playhouses, Prague's theatres have played a vital role in shaping the city's artistic identity and continue to enchant audiences from around the world.

From 1960 Prague has become "the home of black light theatre" thanks to Mr. Jiri Srnec. This theatre genre is a must see when you visit Prague. Until these years there have been around 10 theatre groups of black light theatre in Prague. All of them have been travelling all over the world with the sucess! After the times of covid pandemia there are 4 active black light theatre productions in Prague presenting rich program veery day of a week. HILT black light theatre is the youngest of all since 2007.

I hope you have enjoyed learning about the rich history of Prague and its theatres. Whether you are a teacher looking to incorporate this information into your curriculum or simply want to impress your friends with your knowledge of European culture, I hope this exposition has been informative and engaging. Thank you for taking the time to explore the fascinating world of Prague's history and theatres with me